Operatie is voorbij!

Even een snel berichtje over de situatie van de hart operatie van ons kleine meisje, Julia. Gisteren zijn we naar het ziekenhuis gegaan in voorbereiding voor het herstel van de aorta van Julia en we waren gelukkig genoeg dat we beide mochten blijven slapen in het ziekenhuis de afgelopen nacht. Ze deed het geweldig en […]

Surgery is over!

Just a quick post on the status of the heart-surgery for our baby girl, Julia. Yesterday we went to the hospital in preparation of the aortic repair surgery for Julia and were lucky to both be allowed to sleep over at the hospital last night. She did great and barely complained about having to fast […]

Een snel berichtje

Even een snel berichtje om te kijken of de integratie met Hyves goed werkt. Via deze manier zal ik mijn best doen om wat vaker een berichtje achter te laten op Hyves, door mijn blog met Hyves en Facebook te integreren. Dus bij deze: Alles gaat hier goed en ik ben weer druk in de […]

Changes in Progress

It’s been a long long time since I posted anything on my blog, and a recent upgrade to the latest version of WordPress, together with a clean-up in Facebook seem to be a good starting ground for me to start writing some messages on my blog again! So, here we go! I hope you’ll enjoy […]

TV Appearance

When my wife was watching TV sometime ago, some stupid TV show on Colours and the way they describe the health of a human being. They went through all the colours, and when they came to white, she was thinking: “Oh sure, they’ll show a white guy walking by..”. And sure enough, they did.. But […]

Before they were famous..

Just spotted this post of pictures of people from BEFORE they were famous 😉 Love those pictures.. Makes you realize that EVERY child has an opportunity to become someone and its a matter of choice to put in the effort. If you’re willing to work hard and be different, you have a chance to become […]

Rest in Peace, Dommie..

Today, my mom called me to inform me that our cat of 12 years has passed on.. A cat like no other and one that will be truly missed, had to be put to sleep because she met misfortune in the last day of her life.. When Dommie was just a few weeks old, her […]

No Lasik for me!

So, I spent a grand total of 5 hours doing all kinds of tests last Thursday, in a – failed – attempt to get consultation for Lasik surgery.. Guess that ain’t gonna happen to me any time soon.. See, Lasik surgery is a kind of surgery where they shoot frikkin’ laser beams at your 2nd […]