First of all, to everyone a very merry christmas! I’m sorry the xmas cards did not get prepared or sent this year, and hopefully next year we’ll be able to send out some! Furthermore, to each and every one of you, thank you SO much for your well wishes, prayers and thoughts. They’re really appreciated, and your comments, messages and mails have made me lots stronger to fight through these difficult times!
Having said that, Julia is doing excellent! She’s off the oxygen, is barely on any more medication (just some Paracetamol), all tubes have been removed and is only monitored on an occasional basis! She’s eating well, moving from the initial 10ml to 20ml, 30ml, 50ml and now all the way to 60ml per feed. She’s already being bottle-fed and today Rehana tried breast-feeding her! She’s a fighter, a real Stoelwinder, although as the nurses said, the last part of my name “Winder, or “whiner” is quite applicable as well, as she loves to complain 😛 Yeps, must be part of my genes too 😛 Hopefully tomorrow she’s already able to go to the children’s ward! Definitely an amazing christmas present for us!
Rehana decided to surprise me with a very own Christmas present too: A brand-new sparkling iPod Touch 32GB!! Crazy wife I have! She really shouldn’t have, but I love it ofcourse 😉 Thank you so much my love, and I’ll be sure to show it off at every chance I get! Btw, you can use it look at it from a distance whenever you want ocassionally if I’m not using it, ok? 😛 *hugs* Thanks!
Again, a very MERRY CHRISTMAS to all and more news soon!