Welcome Home Baby Girl!

Finally, after a pain-staking, scary ass week, and many many worried and sleepless nights, our baby daughter Julia has finally arrived back at La Casa, our home sweet home. Her condition all stable, although still obviously shook up from all the tests, tests and did I mention tests? For 3 days straight, she was scared […]

Our Christmas Present

First of all, to everyone a very merry christmas! I’m sorry the xmas cards did not get prepared or sent this year, and hopefully next year we’ll be able to send out some! Furthermore, to each and every one of you, thank you SO much for your well wishes, prayers and thoughts. They’re really appreciated, […]

She’s Awake!

I stayed until about 10PM last night, together with my father-in-law and had a final conversation with the nurse-in-charge about Julia’s status. She was doing great, although still unable to breathe on her own. The nurse confirmed that Julia should be awake by morning as they were continuously dropping the dosage of her medication, as […]

Slowly but steadily..

Slowly but steadily, baby Julia is recovering from the major surgery she underwent yesterday. She’s still “doped out” and breathing minimally on her own. The doctors are reducing her medicine intake, so she’ll slowly be forced to breathe on her own again. Hopefully, tomorrow she’ll be able to go off the lung machines and switch […]

Surgery is over!

Just a quick post on the status of the heart-surgery for our baby girl, Julia. Yesterday we went to the hospital in preparation of the aortic repair surgery for Julia and were lucky to both be allowed to sleep over at the hospital last night. She did great and barely complained about having to fast […]

Changes in Progress

It’s been a long long time since I posted anything on my blog, and a recent upgrade to the latest version of WordPress, together with a clean-up in Facebook seem to be a good starting ground for me to start writing some messages on my blog again! So, here we go! I hope you’ll enjoy […]